Trees of Ridgewood Estate, Gurgaon

For those of us who are botany-challenged, Google Lens has come as a boon.

For us city bred folks, who do not have a background in biology, it is difficult to distinguish a Jacaranda from a Jackfruit tree ! However, Google Lens has given even a layman the power to identify different types of trees.

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Cosmic Image

Spirituality from an environmental perspective

There is a surprising thing each one of us can do, which will have a positive impact on the environment. At first glance, it may appear to be a selfish method, and it would seem that this method has nothing to with saving the Earth. However, if we examine closely, we will see that this method can have profound implications for ourselves as well as for all living beings.

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Saving Earth

Saving the Earth by saving

If the Earth is saved, it will be saved by those who save, not by those who spend.

Increasing consumption levels mean, that we are literally consuming the Earth at a faster pace.

The more we spend and consume, the more natural resources we eat away.




Technology & Capital – Twin enemies of Nature

The earth is currently facing destruction of life forms on a mass scale. If these trends continue, the very survival of human life along with other species is at stake. In fact scientists refer to the existing era as one of ‘mass extinction’.

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has estimated that the Earth has lost 50% of its wildlife in the last 40 years.
We need to understand the HOW as well the WHY of the phenomena powering the Earth’s destruction. Unless we recognize the root causes which are motivating human actions we cannot stop the Earth’s descent to Doom.Read more here